OTTO @CFF qBt?DSIGd:(FGPOS?#ZGSUB9GOS/2Md0`cmaphead 6hheaK$hmtxQmaxp*P(nameyM~post2 H_<W ]7**L*P* XK2 P JLINO  %;;T+Xg   3 MS   +gz v 2n  V (  & (  @ ( @ ^   .8 .8 Vf .8 $  $ Copyright 2004 - 2017 Monotype GmbH. All rights reserved.AvenirNext LT Pro RegularBoldMonotype GmbH.:Avenir Next LT Pro Demi:2017Version 3.000AvenirNextLTPro-DemiAvenir is a trademark of Monotype GmbH registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions.Adrian Frutiger, Akira KobayashiAdrian Frutiger designed Avenir in 1988, after years of having an interest in sans serif typefaces. In an interview with Linotype, he said he felt an obligation to design a linear sans in the tradition of Erbar and Futura, but to also make use of the experience and stylistic developments of the twentieth century. The word Avenir means 'future' in French and hints that the typeface owes some of its interpretation to Futura. But unlike Futura, Avenir is not purely geometric; it has vertical strokes that are thicker than the horizontals, an "o" that is not a perfect circle, and shortened ascenders. These nuances aid in legibility and give Avenir a harmonious and sensible appearance for both texts and headlines. In 2004 Adrian Frutiger and the type director of Linotype GmbH Akira Kobayashi reworked the Avenir and created the Avenir Next.http://www.monotype.comThis font software is the property of Monotype Imaging Inc., or one of its affiliated entities (collectively, Monotype) and its use by you is covered under the terms of a license agreement. You have obtained this font software either directly from Monotype or together with software distributed by one of the licensees of Monotype. This software is a valuable asset of Monotype. Unless you have entered into a specific license agreement granting you additional rights, your use of this software is limited by the terms of the actual license agreement you have entered into with Monotype. You may not copy or distribute this software. If you have any questions concerning your rights you should review the license agreement you received with the software. You can learn more about Monotype here: www.monotype.comAvenirNext LT Pro DemiCopyright 2004 - 2017 Monotype GmbH. All rights reserved.AvenirNext LT Pro RegularBoldMonotype GmbH.:Avenir Next LT Pro Demi:2017AvenirNextLTPro-DemiVersion 3.000Avenir is a trademark of Monotype GmbH registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions.Adrian Frutiger, Akira KobayashiAdrian Frutiger designed Avenir in 1988, after years of having an interest in sans serif typefaces. In an interview with Linotype, he said he felt an obligation to design a linear sans in the tradition of Erbar and Futura, but to also make use of the experience and stylistic developments of the twentieth century. The word Avenir means 'future' in French and hints that the typeface owes some of its interpretation to Futura. But unlike Futura, Avenir is not purely geometric; it has vertical strokes that are thicker than the horizontals, an "o" that is not a perfect circle, and shortened ascenders. These nuances aid in legibility and give Avenir a harmonious and sensible appearance for both texts and headlines. In 2004 Adrian Frutiger and the type director of Linotype GmbH Akira Kobayashi reworked the Avenir and created the Avenir Next.http://www.monotype.comThis font software is the property of Monotype Imaging Inc., or one of its affiliated entities (collectively, Monotype) and its use by you is covered under the terms of a license agreement. You have obtained this font software either directly from Monotype or together with software distributed by one of the licensees of Monotype. This software is a valuable asset of Monotype. Unless you have entered into a specific license agreement granting you additional rights, your use of this software is limited by the terms of the actual license agreement you have entered into with Monotype. You may not copy or distribute this software. If you have any questions concerning your rights you should review the license agreement you received with the software. You can learn more about Monotype here:   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`aWrdeiYxpkavjolspqgwdgfNml|Lcnk<nem}ZbOPTUQRr5^_\]tuXySV[sBIqEFGzJHC\@ ~+7I~7    " & 0 : D !!"!&!.""""""""+"H"`"e% .9L7    & 0 9 D !!"!&!.""""""""+"H"`"d%% |{m<9874+#M?<5b_WVTQNB& ۨ ts2AvenirNextLTPro-Demi1edd bcjQN uK#)/6=CIT_isy !-8CGKQW^els} ")06<IV\bnz !.5<GR]hnt~$,4?GP\cjs| +28>FMTZbjq| #,4>CLZcp{ %3:CLZcoy(1=GP`inw    & 2 < E M ] g u ~    % 1 > M T [ f o u *wNULLCRuni00A0uni00ADAmacronamacronAbreveabreveAogonekaogonekCacutecacuteCcircumflexccircumflexCdotaccentcdotaccentCcaronccaronDcarondcaronDcroatdcroatEmacronemacronEbreveebreveEdotaccentedotaccentEogonekeogonekEcaronecaronGcircumflexgcircumflexGbrevegbreveGdotaccentgdotaccentGcommaaccentgcommaaccentHcircumflexhcircumflexHbarhbarItildeitildeImacronimacronIogonekiogonekIdotaccentIJijJcircumflexjcircumflexKcommaaccentkcommaaccentLacutelacuteLcommaaccentlcommaaccentLcaronlcaronLdotldotNacutenacuteNcommaaccentncommaaccentNcaronncaronnapostropheOmacronomacronObreveobreveOhungarumlautohungarumlautRacuteracuteRcommaaccentrcommaaccentRcaronrcaronSacutesacuteScircumflexscircumflexScedillascedillaTcommaaccenttcommaaccentTcarontcaronTbartbarUtildeutildeUmacronumacronUbreveubreveUringuringUhungarumlautuhungarumlautUogonekuogonekWcircumflexwcircumflexYcircumflexycircumflexZacutezacuteZdotaccentzdotaccentScommaaccentscommaaccentuni021Auni021Bdotlessjuni02C9uni0394uni03A9uni03BCpiEuroafii61289OmegaestimatedpartialdiffDeltaproductsummationuni2215uni2219radicalinfinityintegralapproxequalnotequallessequalgreaterequallozengeuniF8FFgrave.capacute. \(c\) 2004 - 2017 Monotype GmbH. All rights reserved.Adrian Frutiger designed Avenir in 1988, after years of having an interest in sans serif typefaces. In an interview with Linotype, he said he felt an obligation to design a linear sans in the tradition of Erbar and Futura, but to also make use of the experience and stylistic developments of the twentieth century. The word Avenir means 'future' in French and hints that the typeface owes some of its interpretation to Futura. But unlike Futura, Avenir is not purely geometric; it has vertical strokes that are thicker than the horizontals, an "o" that is not a perfect circle, and shortened ascenders. These nuances aid in legibility and give Avenir a harmonious and sensible appearance for both texts and headlines. In 2004 Adrian Frutiger and the type director of Linotype GmbH Akira Kobayashi reworked the Avenir and created the Avenir Next.Avenir Next LT Pro DemiAvenirNext LT Pro RegularCopyright (c) 2004 - 2017 Monotype GmbH. 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